Dhalashadiisii Yaabka Lahayd?

Dhalashadiisii Yaabka Lahayd?

Dhalashadiisii Yaabka Lahayd?


Qofna u ma dhalan siduu u dhashay oo kale. Isagu waa Ciise ina Maryama. Ismaaciil waxaad ugu yeeraan ina Ibraahim, Yaxyena ina Sakariyas, Maxamedna ina Cabdalla. Nimanka kale oo dhammi waxay qaataan magacyada aabbayaashood, maxaa Ciise u qaatay magaca hooyadii? Waayo aabbe adduunka jooga ma lahayn. Wuxuu ka dhashay Maryantii bikradda ahayd, wuxuu ku dhashay awoodda Eebbe (Qaddarta Ilaah), wax banii-aadan ahina shaqo kuma lahayn dhalashadiisa. Toddoba boqol oo sano dhalashadiisii ka hor, nebi Ishacyaah ayaa sii sheegay inuu dhalan doono: "Haddaba Rabbiga qudhiisa ayaa calaamad idin siin doona. Bal ogaada gabadh bikrad ah baa uuraysan doonta, oo waxay dhali doontaa wiil oo magaciisana waxay u bixin doontaa Cimmaanuu’eel. Cimmaanuu’eel macnihiisu waxaa weeye ‘Ilaah baa inala jooga.’" (Ishacyaah 7:14) Tanina waxay u dhacday sidii nebigu horey u sheegay, sida aad ka akhrin kartaan Matayos 1:18-25 oo ah qayb Injiilka ka mid ah. 

Ilaahay wuxuu aabbaheen Aadan ka abuuray dhoobo, dhammaanteena waxaynu nahay carruurtii Aadan, xataa nebiyadii. Waxaynu nahay kuwo laga sameeyay adduunka, laakiin Ciise wuxuu ka soo degay samada. Waxaa loogu yeeray "Al-Manzul" kii soo degay. Wuxuu ahaa daahir iyo nadiif ah sida roobka ama barafka. Kuwa kale oo dhammi waa sida dhulka waana wasakh aan daahir ahayn oo dembi kharribay. Waxaan akhrinaa "Ciise wuxuu dunida u yimid inuu badbaadiyo dembilayaasha." (1 Timoteyos 1:15) Wuxuu yimid meel qalaad. Waxaad ku dhalateen halkan, laakiin Ciise wuxuu joogay Ilaahay hortiisa intaanu iman ka hor. Isaga ayaa doortay inuu adduunka yimaado si uu inoo badbaadiyo. "Bilowgii waxaa jiray Ereyga." Isagu wuxuu ahaa oo yahay Ereygaas. Wuxuu qaatay jir banii-aadan oo noqday nin. Wuxuu ka yimid xagga samada. "Bilowgii waxaa jiray Ereyga, Ereyguna wuxuu la jiray Ilaah, Ereyguna wuxuu ahaa Ilaah. Isagu Ilaah buu la jiray bilowgii, wax walbana waxaa laga sameeyay xaggiisa, oo wixii la sameeyay lama samayn isaga la’aantiis…Ereyguna jir buu noqday oo waa ina dhex joogay, oo waxaannu aragnay ammaantiisii, taasoo ahayd ammaantii u ekayd tan wiilka keliya ee Aabbaha, ee nimco iyo run ka buuxa." (Yooxanaa 1:1-3, 14

Laba nin ayaa beri ku dhacay god dheer. Mid baa midkii kale ku yiri, "War iga badbaadi meeshan xun, waan ku baryayaaye iga saar dhiiqadan iyo wasakhdan." Kii kale ayaa ugu jawaabay, "Sidee ayaan kuu badbaadin karaa nacasyahow? Anigaba dhibaato taadoo kale ahayaa i haysatee." Labadooduba god ayay ku jireen midnaba ka kale ma caawin karin. Laakiin cod ayay xagga sare ka maqleen kaasoo u sheegaya inay qabsadaan xadhigga. Nin aan godka ku dhicin oo keliya ayaa badbaadin karay iyaga. Wuxuu caawimaad ka keenay xagga sare. Kii ugu fiicnaa nebiyada oo dhammi inaga ma badbaadin karin godka dembiga. Laakiin Ciise ma lahayn dabeecad dembi ka buuxo. Xagga sare ayuu ka soo degay, Ilaahay ayaana malaa’igo soo diray si ay u sii sheegaan dhalashadiisa (akhri Matayos 1:20 iyo Luukos 2:9). War yaab badanaa arrintani! Weli ninna sida ninkan oo kale uma dhalan. Dhalashadiisu waa gaar, wax la barbardhigi karaana ma laha.


How do you see it : HIS Wonderful Birth?

No one was ever born as he was. He is Jesus, the son of Mary. You call Ishmael the son of Abraham, Yahya the son of Zacharias, and Mohammed the son of Abdalla. All other men take the names of their fathers, why did Jesus take the name of his mother? Because he had no earthly father. He was born of the virgin Mary, born of the power of God (quadrate Allah), and no human being was involved in his birth. Seven hundred years before his birth, the prophet Isaiah foretold that he would be born: "Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." . Immanuel means 'God with us.' "(Isaiah 7:14) This happened as the prophet had said, as you can read in Matthew 1: 18-25, which is part of the Injiil.

God created our father Adam from clay, and we are all children of Adam, even prophets. We are made of earth, but Jesus came down from heaven. He is called "Al-Manzul" or He who descended. He was as pure and clean as rain or snow. All others are like the earth and are unclean and defiled by sin. We read "Jesus came into the world to save sinners." (1 Timothy 1:15) He came to a strange land. You were born here, but Jesus was in God’s presence before He came. He chose to come into the world to save us. "In the beginning was the Word." He was and is that Word. He took on a human body and became a man. He came from heaven. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning, and all things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us. We saw his glory, the glory as of the only Son of the Father, full of grace and truth. " (John 1: 1-3, 14)

Two men once fell into a deep hole. One said to the other, "Save me from this evil place. Please remove this mud and filth." The other replied, "How can I save you fools? I have the same problem as you." They were both in a hole and neither could help the other. But they heard a voice from above telling them to grab the rope. Only a man who did not fall into the pit could save them. He brought help from above. The best of all the prophets could not save us from the pit of sin. But Jesus did not have a sinful nature. He descended from heaven and God sent angels to foretell His birth (read Matthew 1:20 and Luke 2: 9). No one has ever been born like this man. His birth is unique, and there is no comparison.
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