Sidee Baad u Aragtaa Masiixa?

Sidee Baad u Aragtaa Masiixa?

Sidee Baad u Aragtaa Masiixa?

Sidee baad u aragtaa Masiixa?

Wax kasta waxay ku xiran tahay jawaabta aad ka bixisid su'aashan: farxaddaada nolosha hadda ah iyo meesha aad ku qaadan doonto nolosha soo socota waa aakhiro e. Mar dhow Ciise wuu soo noqon doonaa, wuxuuna ku weyddiin doonaa sidii uu dad badan oo kaleba u weyddiiyey, "Waa maxay fikrada aad aniga iga qabtaa?" (Matayos 22:42) 

Waxaan ahay Masiixi, sidaas daraadeed saaxiibbo ayaynu nahay. Runtii waxaan doonayaa inaad ogaatid ka uu Ciise yahay, waana muhim inaan qofna fikrad khalad ah kaa siin arrintan. Waxaa laga yaabaa inaad u malaynayso inuu Ciise yahay oo keliya nebi, qof wanaagsan ama mid ka mid ah kuwo badan oo jiray. Laakiin isagu waa mid khaas ah, waana mid aan mid la barbardhigo lahayn. Kuma jiro mid la mid ah dunidan aynu ku nool nahay iyo tan soo socotaba. Bal arrintaas ka fikir!


How do you see Christ? It all depends on the answer you give to this question: your happiness in the present life and where you will spend the next life is in the hereafter e. Soon Jesus will return and ask you, as He did many others, "What do you think of me?" (Matthew 22:42) I am a Christian, so we are friends. I really want you to know who Jesus is, and it is important that no one gives you a wrong idea about this. You may think that Jesus is just a prophet, a good man, or one of many. But he is unique, and he is unique. There is nothing like this world we live in or the next. Think about that! What do you think of the Messiah? Everything depends on the answer you give to this question: your happiness in this life, and where you will spend the life to come. Soon Jesus will return 


(waxaa ka sheekeeynayaa Gerhard Nehls) Al-Masiix miyaa? Masiixa! Haa, laakiin kani waa magac oo keliya, wax macne ahna ma samaynayo ilaa macnaha ku habboon la siiyo mooyee. "Masiix" waa habka Carabi ahaan loo yiraahdo, erayga af Cibraaniga ah ee la yiraahdo"Mawshi’akh". Waxaan kaloo ognahay in af-Giriigga lagu macneeyo "Kiristoos," waxaan kaloo ognahay inuu kani yahay magaca Ciise. Laakiin weli maynu garan macnihiisa. Haddii uu Ciise ku dhex dhalan lahaa dadka loo yaqaano Inkaska (Inca) oo ku nool Koonfurta Ameerika ama hadduu ku dhalan lahaa dalka Jabbaanka, oo markaa dadka loo sheegi lahaa inuu yahay Masiixa, sidee ayaad u malaynaysaa inay u fahmi lahaayeen? Wax macne ah uma samayseen, waayo may garteen macnaha erayga Masiixa iyo ujeeddada ka dambaysa toona. Waxaa jiray qolo keliya oo taqaanay, waxayna ahaayeen Yuhuudda. Way sugayeen Masiixa! Kitaabkooda oo keliya ayaa lagu muujiyey magaca iyo ujeeddada Masiixa. Sharcigii lagu soo dejiyey Muuse ayaa Ilaahay Muuse kaga amray in dadka loo doortay shaqooyinka quduuska ah in loogu subko saliid lagu daray waxyaabo udgoon. Arrintani waxay calaamad u ahayd ama tusaysay in qofkaas Ruuxa Qoduuska ee Ilaahay loogu subkay kaasoo awood u siinaya inuu fuliyo ujeeddooyinka Ilaahay. Tan marar badan ayaa la samayn jiray si loo doorto wadaaddada, nebiyada iyo boqorrada reer banii-Israa’iil. Waxyiyo kale ayaa sii sheegay in mid khaas ahi uu iman doono oo xukunka Ilaahay hirgelin doono, ma aha Yuhuudda oo keliya laakiin dhammaan dadka kale. Waxay ahayd inuu nabadda Ilaahay keeno dhulka. Ilaahay ayaa isagoo isticmaalaya nebi Daanyeel 600 oo sano ka hor sii sheegay magaciisa iyo wakhtiga imaanshihiisa. Yuhuuddu way sugayeen Masiixa laga bilaabo wakhtigaas (inkastoo ay intooda badan rumayn waayeen markuu yimid!) Warbixinno ku saabsan wakhtigii dhalashadii Ciise ayaa inoo sheegaya in dhowr Yuhuud oo Ilaahay u go’day ay imaanshihiisa ku sugayeen Macbudka. Kuwaani waxay ahaayeen kuwo akhriyey oo fahmay waxyigii lagu soo dejiyey nebi Daanyeel. Markii Ciise yimid kuwo badan ayaa gartay inuu Masiixa yahay. Quraanku wuxuu soo qaatay magacan "Masiix" isagoo aan tafaasiil ka bixinayn xilkii Ciise Masiix. Haddaba si aan macnihiisa u ogaanno waa inaan u leexanaa meesha keliya ee laga heli karo taasoo ah Axdiga Cusub ama Injiilka. Injiilka dhexdiisa ayaa Ciise ku weyddiiyey Faarisiinta oo ahaa cadawgiisa xagga diinta su’aashan aad u muhimsan, maadaama ay innaga oo dhan inoo leedahay muhimmad ballaaran, aynu mar kale eegno. Su’aashaasina waxay ahayd: Sidee baad ADIGU u aragtaa Masiixa?



(By Gerhard Nehls) Al-Masih? - The Messiah! Yes, but this is just a name, and it doesn't make sense unless the right meaning is given. "Christ" is the Arabic word for "Mawshiah". We also know that in Greek it means "Christ," and we know that this is the name of Jesus. But we still do not know what it means. If Jesus had been born among the Inca people of South America or if he had been born in Japan, and then people would have been told that he was the Messiah, how do you think they would have understood? They did not make sense, because they did not understand the meaning of the word of Christ or the purpose behind it. There was only one people who knew, and they were the Jews. They were waiting for the Messiah! Only in their book is the name and purpose of Christ revealed. In the Law given to Moses, God commanded Moses to anoint the anointed ones for sacred work with perfumed oil. This was a sign that the person had been anointed by God's Holy Spirit, empowered to carry out God's purposes. This was often done to elect priests, prophets and kings of Israel. Other revelations foretold that a special one would come and execute God's judgment, not just on the Jews but on all others. He was to bring God's peace to the earth. God foretold through the prophet Daniel 600 years earlier his name and the time of his coming. The Jews have been waiting for the Messiah from that time on (although most did not believe when he came!) Reports about the time of Jesus' birth tell us that several dedicated Jews were waiting for His coming at the Temple. These were the ones who read and understood the revelation to the prophet Daniel. When Jesus came, many recognized Him as the Messiah. The Qur'an uses the name "Christ" without elaborating on the role of Jesus Christ. To understand its meaning we must turn to the only source that is found in the New Testament or Injiil. In the  Injiil Jesus asked the Pharisees who were his religious enemies this very important question, as it is of great importance to all of us, let us look again. The question was: What do you think of the Messiah?

Dhalashadiisii Yaabka Lahayd?
How Did Sin Enter the World?
Allah Tests Nabi Ibrahim
Sidee baad u aragtaa DABEECADDIISA?
What do you think of Jesus' Words?
Sidee Baad U Aragtaa Magacyadiisa?
Jesus Has Made The Journey to Allah
What Do You Think of His Power?
What Do You Think of How Jesus Overcame Death?

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