What Do You Think of His Power?

What Do You Think of His Power?

What Do You Think of His Power?

Sidee baad u aragtaa AWOODDIISA?

Wax kasta wuu samayn karaa. Awood iyo xukun oo dhan isaga ayaa la siiyey. Ma jirto shaqo Ilaahay qabto oo aan Ciise qaban intuu adduunka joogay. Yaa dadka soo noolayn kara oo aan Ilaahay ahayn? Ciise wuu soo nooleeyay. Run ahaantii kee baa bogsiin kara dadka baraska qaba oo aan Ilaahay ahayn? Ciisena wuu nadiifiyey oo bogsiiyey dad baras qabay. Kee baa indholayaasha arag siin kara oo aan Ilaahay ahayn? Ciisena waxaas oo dhan buu sameeyay. Wuxuu bogsiiyey cudur kasta, mana jirin qof xanuun qaba oo intuu Ciise u yimid laga eriyey isagoo aan la bogsiin karin. Eray keliya ayuu ku saari jiray jinka. Dad badan ayuu naftooda beddelay oo xataa ka badbaadiyey dembiyo. Nebiyo badan ayaa mucjisooyin ku samayn jiray, oo dadka ku bogsiin jiray magaca Ilaahay. Laakiin Ciise weligii magaca Ilaahay waxba kuma bogsiin. Mar kasta wuxuu ragga iyo dumarka ku bogsiin jiray awooddiisa iyo magaciisa. Nin aan 38 sano socon oo curyaan ahaa ayuu marku yiri, "Waxaan kugu leeyahay istaag oo soco." Ninkiina wuu istaagay oo socday.(Yooxannaa 5:5-9) Ciise weligii daawo ma isticmaalin, laakiin wuxuu isticmaali jiray magaciisa iyo awooddiisa. Nin Laasaros la oran jiray ayaa beri dhintay, markaasaa intay aaseen ayay Ciise u yeedheen. Markuu Ciise yimid Laasaros wuxuu aasnaa afar maalmood. Ciisena xabaashii dhinaceeda intuu istaagay ayuu yiri, "Laasarosow soo bax."(Yooxanaa 11:43) Ninkii dhintayna wuu ka soo baxay xabaashii. Kama shakiyi karno awooddii uu Ciise u lahaa inuu dadka soo nooleeyo, waayo Isaga ayaaba yiri, "Waxaan ahay sarakicidda iyo nolosha."(Yooxanaa 11:25) Maalin ayaa iman doonta markaasoo ay dhammaan dadka xabaalaha ku jiraa codkiisa maqli doonaan, soona bixi doonaan. Haddii aad dhimatid xabaasha waad ka soo bixi doontaa, sidaas oo kale ayay Muuse, Ibraahim iyo nebiyadii oo dhammi u soo bixi doonaan. Laakiin weliba hadda Ciise nolol cusub wuu ku siin karaa, taasoo ah nolosha Ilaahay, nolosha weligeed ah. Dad badan oo adduunka dacalladiisa ku kala nool ayuu maanta noloshooda beddelayaa. Xataa taadana wuu beddeli karaa. Sidee baad u aragtaa awooddiisa weyn? Waa mid khaas ah, awood badan, oo mid la barbardhigi karaana ma jirto.

How do you see it HIS POWER?

He can do anything. All power and authority has been given to him. There is no work of God that Jesus did not do while he was in the world. Who can resurrect people but God? Jesus raised the dead. Who can really heal the leper except God? And Jesus cleansed and healed the lepers. Who can open the eyes of the blind but God? And Jesus did all these things. He cured every disease, and no one was sick and came to Jesus without being healed. He cast out evil spirits by a word. He has changed many lives and even saved them from sin. Many prophets performed miracles, healing people in God's name. But Jesus never healed in God's name. He always healed men and women with his power and his name. A 38-year-old paralyzed man said, "I tell you to stand up and walk." The man stood up and walked (John 5: 5-9). Jesus never used medicine, but he used his name and power. A man named Lazarus died and they buried him and called Jesus. When Jesus arrived, Lazarus had been buried for four days. Jesus stood beside the tomb and said, "Lazarus, come out!" (John 11:43) And the dead man came out of the tomb. We cannot doubt the power of Jesus' resurrection, for He said, "I am the resurrection and the life." (John 11:25) The day will come when all who are in the tombs will hear His voice and come out. If you die, you will come out of the tomb, just as Moses, Abraham, and all the prophets will too. But even now Jesus can give you a new life, which is the life of God, eternal life. Many people around the world are changing their lives today. It can even change yours. How do you see his great power? It is unique, powerful, and incomparable.

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